How did I Get Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are quite a common condition that affects more than 1 in 10 people. They are usually found in the kidneys or in the ureter, the tube that connects the kidney to your bladder. Kidney stones can sometimes be extremely painful and lead to kidney infections. If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones, you are probably wondering how you g0t them. So, how do you get kidney stones?

Kidney stones are the result of a buildup of certain chemicals in the body. In other words, they form when minerals in your urine clump together. You can get kidney stones from many things, such as what you eat and certain medications. One of the main causes of kidney stones is lack of water since you need water to make enough urine in order to water down the things that turn into stones. Some medical conditions, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes can also lead to kidney stones. Furthermore, if you or a member of your family has had a kidney stone before, your chances of having one in the future are higher.

Eager to learn more about kidney stones? Keep reading because we are going to

Tips on How to Make Your Skin Look Younger

We all want to age like fine wine and will do everything we can to beat aging. While it is impossible to reverse aging, paying extra care to your skin may be able to delay the appearance of wrinkles and eye bags. So, how can you make your skin look younger?

The main thing you must do to make your skin look younger is to take good care of it. Invest in sunscreen, moisturizing night cream, and retinoids to keep your skin looking fresh, glowing, and youthful. Besides using the right skincare, adopt healthier habits, such as sleep well, drink enough water, eat healthily, and exercise regularly. Doing these will not only give a healthy glow to your skin but will also keep your body in tip-top shape.

Want to know more about how you can make your skin look younger? Below are some tips you absolutely should know!

Use the right skincare products

The right skincare products can really help you maintain younger-looking skin. There are three main ingredients that can help you keep your youthful skin longer:

  • Serum with antioxidants, such as vitamin C, to help brighten your skin. 
  • Serums with retinoids to help increase cell

Stress Management

We all experience stress and sometimes it seems like there’s nothing we can do about it. Stress is unavoidable, and to some extent, it is an essential part of life. Although everyone experiences stress, the cause can be different from one person to another. For example, being busy may overwhelm a person, while another might actually love having many things to do. Being stuck in a crazy traffic jam can make a person angry, while another might think it’s a mild inconvenience. Although stress is inescapable, there are things you can do to manage it once you realize that you actually have a lot more control of your life. 

You need to manage your stress because it can have a serious impact on your overall wellbeing. When you let stress get the best of you, you put yourself at risk of developing a variety of diseases. When you’re stressed, your brain experiences chemical and physical changes, affecting its overall function. From headaches to premature death, stress is closely related to numerous health problems. The effects of stress are also strongly linked to mental health conditions, as it can result in depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychosis, and

Talk To Me About Hypertension

Hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, is a common condition when the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. The vessels carry blood from the heart to all parts of the human body. Blood is pumped into the vessels every time the heartbeats. Blood pressure is created by the force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels (arteries). To put it simply, the more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. 

Blood pressure is determined by two numbers. The higher number (systolic pressure) is the strength at which your heart pumps blood all over your body, while the lower number (diastolic pressure) is the resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels. Both of the pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The following is a general guide of blood pressure by the NHS:

  • Between 90/60mmHg and 120/8-mmHg are considered as the ideal blood pressure.
  • Between 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher for anyone over 80 years old) are considered as high blood pressure.
  • Between 120/80mmHg and 140/90 usually means a person is at risk of developing high blood pressure.

Blood pressure usually

Treating Asthma

Asthma is a chronic and long term disease of the airways. It is a condition when the airways in the lung get inflamed and narrowed, which restricts air supply. The inflammation causes the airways to be exceptionally sensitive to irritations and increases their vulnerability to an allergic reaction. The increased sensitivity will cause a reaction. The muscles in charge of controlling the airways tighten and trigger an overproduction of mucus. Asthma causes periods of chest tightness, coughing wheezing, and shortness of breath.

It affects everyone regardless of age and it often starts during childhood. It is the most chronic disease for children. People who have asthma may experience mild to severe symptoms that can happen every day or rarely. The severe symptom is known as asthma attacks, which happens when the symptoms are at their peak and might begin suddenly. 

Asthma is serious. It can even be dangerous and fatal. About 250,000 people around the world die every year because of it. If you have asthma, you need proper treatment to live well. Without the treatment, you might have to visit the emergency room frequently. The exact cause of asthma is unknown, and the cause may vary for

All Coughed Out Chronic Bronchitis

The body clears harmful things in your lungs by coughing, but if you cough way too much, you might have chronic bronchitis. It is a more serious type of bronchitis that occurs when the lining of your bronchial tubes is inflamed and irritated. Chronic bronchitis is a dangerous condition, but it will not suddenly happen to you. It’s characterized by bronchitis that goes on for a long time and does not go away. If you have coughed for at least three months over the course of 2 years, you might have it, and you need to call your doctor right away. Most people who have the disease are around 44 to 65 years old.

When the lining of your bronchial tubes experiences a constant inflammation, an excessive amount of sticky mucus will build up in your airways. That sticky mucus will limit the amount of airflow that goes in and out of your lungs. The blockage of the airflow will result in coughing and difficulty breathing. The inflammation may also damage the cilia, which are the hairs that help keep the airways clear of germs. If the cilia do not work properly, the airways become a breeding ground

6 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Hair Transplant

Hair loss and baldness can lead to a loss of self-confidence. What causes hair loss? Hair loss can occur due to various factors like stress, illness, reactions to medications, hormonal imbalance. Even a poor diet can result in the loss of hair. It might also occur due to hereditary issues. 

With the development in technology it now brings solutions to people that suffer from hair loss. A hair transplant is one of the methods in which the bald areas of your scalp are covered during a surgical process. This procedure can be expensive, especially in Western countries, however, should you decide to travel to Turkey or Eastern Europe, you could expect savings of up to 50-60%. For more information and to see what options are available, you can check out any number of medical tourism platforms, like

  1. How is it performed? A dermatological surgeon moves hair to a bald area on your scalp through surgery. Usually, the hair from the backside of your head is transferred to the areas in the front or on top of the head. These kinds of procedures are carried out after the administration of anesthesia.
  2. During the process, two main techniques are

My Hip Hurts

There is no larger joint in the human body than the hip joint and it is a complicated one as it features a wide range of motions while supporting much of our body’s weight.

The hip joint is located inside a capsule that is filled with lubricant fluid that helps it to move smoothly. The cartilage is a substance placed on the inside of the hip joint. It is a tough, yet very flexible substance whose role is to line the ends of the joints. The ligaments are there to keep the joint’s ball from falling out of the socket.

If you feel pain in your hips, then it has something to do with those parts.

Symptoms of an injured hip

Some of the most common symptoms of an injured hip are:

  • Pain in the joint of the hip
  • Pain to the knee and thigh
  • Limited range of movements
  • Limping
  • Stiffness

Causes of hip problems

All sorts of conditions may cause hip problems. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
  • Irritable hip syndrome
  • Perthes’ diseases
  • Developmental dysplasia of the hip
  • Hip bone fracture

Diagnosing a hip condition

If you

My Knee Hurts

The Human knee is a complex joint that has plenty of components and is sensitive to injury. Most of those injuries can be successfully treated with rehabilitation exercises and bracing. However, most doesn’t mean all. If you have a severely torn meniscus, then that is an injury that will probably require surgery to correct. Here we will explain the common knee injuries and how to deal with them.

Common knee injuries


  • Dislocation


A dislocation happens when some or all of the bones in the knee are dislocated or out of place. For instance, the patella can swing from its position, or the tibia and the femur can be forcefully moved out of alignment. Dislocation is caused by a strong impact such as sports-related contact, motor crash, big fall, etc. In other cases, it can be because of the abnormal structure of a person’s knee.




This is a typical sports injury that occurs when pivoting, cutting, twisting or being tackled. Aging is another risk factor to meniscal tears. Sometimes a simple twist when getting up from bed or a chair can cause a tear.



  • PLC Injuries


Often, the posterior

What Is Mental Illness

Mental illness is a health condition that affects your behavior, thinking, and mood. Some of the most widespread types of mental illnesses are depression, mood disorders, addictive behavior, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorder.

Almost everyone has occasional mental concerns. But when it persists with frequent stress and ongoing symptoms as well as the ability to function normally, it turns into mental illness. If left untreated, mental illness can wreak havoc in anyone’s life such as at work, school, or personal relationships.

Symptoms and signs of mental illnesses

The symptoms and signs of mental illnesses can fluctuate, depending on circumstances, environment, type of disorder, and so on. Many of the symptoms can have a substantial effect on behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Some of the most common symptoms and signs are:

  • Feeling down or sad
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Can’t concentrate
  • Can’t think straight
  • Detached from friends and relatives
  • Hallucinations or paranoia
  • Completely unable to deal with stress and daily problems
  • Excessive anger and hostility
  • Suicidal thinking
  • Drug and alcohol abuse


In some cases, some of the symptoms can even manifest as physical problems such as headache, back pain, stomach pain, aches, or other unexplained pains.